English Phonetics Diary - Final Reflection

    Throughout this semester I looked through plenty various materials from different sources that have helped me expand my knowledge of English phonetics and pronunciation. Some of the resources I liked better than others, but they all helped me realize how broad the topic of phonetics can be. There's so many issues and aspects that one can look at, but it's also the way we learn pronunciation that can take many forms. In this final post for my Phonetics Diary I wanted to reflect on how my thoughts have changed throughout the semester and what I've taken from all the different resources I explored.

    Going into this semester I didn't really have a lot of knowledge about phonetics and pronunciation. I thought of it in a very narrow way. I had to learn that pronunciation is not just about students saying words and the teacher correcting them. There's a lot of "science" and theory behind it that is very important to understand. I have not had the opportunity to learn the IPA before and it completely changed the way I think about pronunciation. Before it seemed like something that had to be mastered through repeated exposure, but there are other ways to increase your native-like ability to speak a specific language. Being aware of the sounds we make, how our native tongues affect our non-native language pronunciation skills, learning about the apparatus that creates sound and how it should be used to form different kinds of it - all of these aspects have broadened my understanding of phonetics in ways I have never known before. The best way of learning for me has been through examples, which have made me realize the theory behind a lot of the issues I've noticed while learning English. One of my favorite resources while researching phonetics this semester has been the 'mmmEnglish' YouTube channel. I found many incredibly helpful videos on their website, which have made for some of my favorite diary entries and reflections. Exploring difficult pronunciation areas, getting to know different accents and how they're formed, and looking at commonly mispronounced words was not only a fun way of learning, but also taught me a lot about phonetics from a practical standpoint. Both the lessons and my personal research has completely transformed my understanding of pronunciation and phonetics. Reflecting on the progress I made throughout this semester has made me realize how far I've come and how different I am from the rookie that entered this semester. As someone who is just now entering the teaching profession, I have a lot to learn, but seeing my progress and how quickly I've been able to learn each semester makes me excited for the future and very hopeful, as well as proud of my abilities.

    This semester has gone by incredibly quickly, but looking back at all the research I've done and all the new things I learned during our classes makes me feel very excited about the direction I'm heading. Every resource I've explored has helped me take a step in the direction of being a more understanding and knowledgable teacher. There's a lot I still have to learn, but I'm proud of the progress I've made through this short period of time. I'm looking forward to the next semester and all the other new things I will get to learn, which will prepare me for my future life as an English teacher. 


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